CIRCLES IN ORBITS The length of segment is . The circles are in an orbit. Looking at the figure above, the circle is in orbit 1, circle is in orbit 2 and circle is in […]
CIRCLES IN ORBITS The length of segment is . The circles are in an orbit. Looking at the figure above, the circle is in orbit 1, circle is in orbit 2 and circle is in […]
Promotion de la Géométrie élémentaire mouctar.org et institut-delbol.com CHALLENGE L’association entre institut-delbol.com et mouctar.org publie ce document sous forme de défi aux élèves désireux de mesurer leur niveau en Géométrie. Un prix de 1.500.000 GNF est octroyé […]
Promoting the study of Geometry Joining forces with institut-delbol.com, mouctar.org is publishing the first challenge. This challenge has two sections and points are calculated based on the level of difficulty for each section and question. Prize is […]
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