The simple Trigo Calculator was designed with the trigonometry functions in mind.
The following functions can be calculated in normal mode:
sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x).
In SHIFT mode we get the inverse functions:
arcsin(x), arcos(x), atan(x), arcsinh(x), arcosh(x), atanh(x)
One can enter a normal math expression and has it calculated.
After entering the EQUALS button, the answer is stored and can be called if the display is empty or after the noraml OPERATIONS sign.
Use the M+ to store a value or add it to memory.
Use the M- to remove it from memory (SHIFT mode).
Use the MR button to call back memory contents following normal OPERATIONS sign.
This is the light Edition. Working on the full Trigonometry calculator.
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